About Casey

    Hi, my name is Casey Daigle and I am from Fort Pierce, FL. I am a sophomore at FSU and I absolutely love it. My major is English Education. I am in the sorority Alpha Phi and I like to participate in events such as Heart Week and Dance Marathon. I love to get involved at school and I truly believe FSU is the right fit for me.

    In my prior experiences of using technology in an education setting, I have worked with computers, laptops, and ipads. Throughout elementary and middle school we had computer skills classes to help us learn the basics of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint etc. In middle school and high school, our schools provided the students and teachers with ipads. Now, in college I use a laptop to do my homework.

    Some learning resources I regularly use to support my learning needs and goals are libraries, study groups, and the internet. I love going to Strozier Library right on FSU's campus to get my work done. It is a nice quiet place and helps me focus more than if I were just in my bedroom at my desk. Girls in my sorority who are in the same classes will also form study groups. This is very helpful to me because if I have a question there is usually someone who can answer it without having to email the professor.


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