Blog Journal 2

    In my past educational experiences, I have used Microsoft Word many times. I learned how to use it in middle school in our computer lab, and that is where we would go to write our papers and print them. In highschool I almost always used MS Word, as well as, in college MS Word is primarily all I use. I have also used Google Docs but I feel more comfortable using MS Word. I do prefer how Google Docs lets you share the same document; however, I have used MS Word more and believe it is easier to save and transfer files on.

    The ISTE Standard for Educators that is most meaningful to me is "Learner." I believe teachers should learn from their students, as well as, learning new technology and ways of teaching. The "Learner" Standard states how teachers should stay current with research, and I believe this is so important because new ways of teaching are always being created. Some students learn differently from others and may need a different type of teaching to actually learn. I also feel that teachers can learn empathy and caring from younger students, along with patience.

    I do agree that most of today's youth would be considered as "digital natives." A digital native is someone who has grown up around technology and is familiar with is from a very early age. I have definitely seen a difference between how I use technology versus some of my teachers. Sometimes my teacher do not fully understand the way different effects on computers work the way my friends and I do. Also I feel that for the most part, I use technology more for social media than my teachers do. I believe technology has impacted my learning experience in a positive way because it has given me many resources. Some differences I anticipate between my future students and me are that they will be much more comfortable with technology by then than I will be. This goes back to how teachers are always learning. I believe I will have to learn from my future students on how to use certain technology.


  1. Hey Casey! We are in the same boat regarding MS word! It is basically all I know since thats all I used growing up and still to this day I continue to use it. I also agree with you when it comes to the ISTE standard for educators. I too chose learner as most meaningful to me because the more you know, the more you can teach. I 100% agree with you saying "I anticipate between my future students and me are that they will be much more comfortable with technology by then than I will be". Before us, there was no technology and it just keeps growing more and more everyday.


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